CATT-Acoustic v9.1
Surface Properties Module
named properties
including frequency dependent scattering coefficients are entered into a library
multiple libraries
(library selected in Preferences)
frequency dependent scattering via 2D Lambert ot a novel 1D Lambert
(for walls with battens and 1D diffusers)
frequency range 125 Hz to 16 kHz in octave-bands (8 and 16kHz extrapolation if not given)
frequency dependent semi-transparent surfaces
according to: key, category, reference, LF-, MF-, HF-absorption, overall absorption or overall diffusion
with the
Interactive RT estimate
double clicking a property immediatelly recalculates the resulting Sabine RT
properties can also be entered directly into geo-files:
high-level constructs
such as:
ABS woodblocks = <12 10 8 7 6 5>
L < 10 10 15 20 30 30 30>
ABS wall_abs = woodblocks
auto-estimate of scattering coefficients
based on roughness/wavelength ratio
ABS woodblocks = <12 10 8 7 6 5> L < estimate(0.2) >
surface properties module screen-shot
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